Painting Lounge Ticket


In past years, the Crimson Brush has included an area for painters to paint, chat and hang out. This year, we will be ensuring the Painters Lounge will be bigger and better than ever, as we now have an entire room dedicated to the Lounge. We will have more room for painters to hang out, paint and view the livestream.

Hours: 9am to 6pm

As per previous events, we want to encourage the painting community to grow, which means giving painters and sculptors a place to create and communicate over the weekend. You can sit and paint, draw, sculpt or do anything artistic with other artists. These events are great to spike personal creativity as well as community cohesion.
The Lounge has levelled up this year, having it’s own room! Although this has increased our capacity, we will no doubt still come close to hitting it again, so please register early! We will provide the tables, chairs, a couple of power boards, water cups and paper towels.

There is a sink in the room where you can access water when needed. Painters are encouraged to bring extra power boards, travel lamps, paint, brushes, palettes, projects, and whatever else they may need to be comfortable over the weekend. At the end of the day, you may leave your supplies and projects overnight as we have a secure space.

***Please note: you leave your belongings at your own risk and neither CGS or Crimson Brush are responsible if anything goes missing or gets damaged.***

10 in stock


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